Mark Levin’s Endorsement

Thank you very much, Mark Levin, for offering great feedback and endorsing my book! Mark was elected President of the National Speakers Association (NSA) DC Chapter, where I’ve been a member since 2014, at a very difficult time. The pandemic did hit all industries, but the speaking industry was one of the hardest knocked. Because of his outstanding leadership, the Chapter not only survived during that tough time but also thrived given the multitudes of challenges he and his leadership team faced. He specializes in membership development, volunteer leadership training, and staff development for associations and non-profit organizations around the world.

Here is what Mark said about the book: “This book gets right to the source of what emerging leaders need to know and understand about leadership, and helps guide them to the next level of leadership success. It also establishes Dr. AZ as a true thought leader on this critical subject.”

To read other endorsements, go to the detail page of the book

If you haven’t yet, order your copy just for a nominal price of .99 USD. Since its release, the book has been Amazon’s #1 Hot New Release. Consider sharing the book with new team leaders, supervisors, project managers, and business owners you know so that they may take advantage of the promotional price.

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