"Knowing your place adequately:1. Allows you to start your first-timer position on the right footing.2. Paints a positive first impression in the mind of the people you work with.3. Positions you to begin your leadership from high round.4. Prevents you from too much guessing, inadvertently...

On top of the book, which is now Amazon's #1 Best Seller just within a week it has been released, you can reach out if you would like to have 1-on-1 or group coaching, keynote, and/or workshop/webinar based on the theme of the book or...

Thank you to everyone who contributed (by providing feedback on the manuscript, endorsements, reviews, liking/sharing on social media, etc.) toward the success of the Overcoming 1st Timer Syndrome book. Before it even hit the 1-week mark since its release on August 26th, it has achieved...