Leadership has mattered throughout history and will continue to do so now and in the indefinite future as long as humans exist in the universe. Leadership has been one of the most important quarterback players that shaped the history of humanity. Undoubtedly, leaders in diverse industries...

What distinguishes a motivational speaker from a facilitator? Both skill sets are essential for leaders in all industries, particularly those who need to engage with the public and communicate with stakeholders. Most speakers in the industry specialize in either keynote/motivational speaking or training/facilitation. However, as someone...

One of the perks of being a learning professional traveling around the country is to reconnect with old friends, colleagues, clients, and meet new ones. You also get chances to visit new places. When I was in Albuquerque, NM, this past week to facilitate a 3-day...

Collaborating and building coalitions was one of the topics we covered in the 3-day workshop I facilitated last week in NM. In the 21st C, one person, team, organization, or even a nation is too insignificant, insufficient, and too small to survive, let alone to have...

Coming from Ethiopia- a land filled with gigantic mountains, my trip to Albuquerque, NM, this past week for the 1st time sent me memory lane. One of my frustrations living in the DMV area for the past 18 years has been the lack of such scenery...

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