Eddie Turner’s Endorsement

Thank you very much, Eddie Turner, for endorsing my book! I’ve known Eddie for quite some time. Some years back, I interviewed him in my community show. Over the years, I’ve watched him achieving incredible success on many fronts. Eddie is a Preeminent Authority on Emerging Leaders (Forbes) and #6 Ranked Motivational Speaker in the World on the 2021 Global Gurus Top 30 Rankings. He is also an International Best-Selling Author of ‘140 Simple Messages To Guide Emerging Leaders’, C-Suite Radio Host: Keep Leading!, and Master Facilitator.

Here is what Eddie said about the book: “Dr. Assegid Habtewold does a fine job adding his voice to the conversation about emerging leadership and the 1st timer syndrome by covering the key concepts needed for success.”

The book is now available both in Kindle and Paperback versions and was Amazon’s #1 Hot New Release on its publication date on August 26th, 2021.

Today you can get the kindle version just for .99 USD. Share the book with new team leaders, supervisors, project managers, and business owners you know so that they may take advantage of the promotional price.

#Overcoming1stTimerSyndrome #EmergingLeaders #newmanagers #NewSupervisors #NewTeamLeaders #NewBusinessOwners #FirstTimeProjectManager #FisrtTimeSupervisor #FirstTimeTeamLeader #EmergingLeader